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The 501(c)3 Wolfpack CubeSat Development Team (WCDT) engages and prepares 10-18 year old students to design, build, test, and fly CubeSats in small teams before graduating high school.


Through support from BLUECUBE Aerospace ( and the Aerospace and Innovation Academy ( programs, students participate annually in the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative and conduct high altitude balloon launches.


Wolfpack students write, present, and publish technical papers at national and international conferences, and create and publish children's picture books and activity books on aerospace topics. WCDT's lead mentored the first middle school team, selected by NASA's CSLI, to space in 2018. Wolfpack students participate and lead teams in the annual Florida Space Day in Tallahassee and AIAA Congressional Visits Days in Washington, D.C.

The WCDT employs a "BLUE-SKY Learning" philosophy, and embraces a "Techies and Talkies" approach for engagement. Wolfpack students work well in teams, mentor younger students, and are confident and practiced communicators. The Wolfpack best positions students to remain in the STEM pipeline through their college years. Several recent Wolfpack student presentations may be viewed on their AIA YouTube channel or learn more from the AIA's "Let's Go To Space: BLUE-SKY Learning" podcast. 

Sign up for Camps, SPACE Club, or the Wolfpack here: 

The Wolfpack is launching a nationwide CubeSat flight opportunity for secondary students. Despite the CubeSat revolution in our New Space Economy, high costs to space access and a lack of training impede maximum use of this disruptive form factor in the STEM pipeline. The WOLF-C addresses these issues.

The Wolfpack Orbital Launch Fund & Competition - The 'WOLF-C'

The Wolfpack is launching a nationwide CubeSat flight opportunity for secondary students. Despite the CubeSat revolution in our New Space Economy, high costs to space access and a lack of training impede maximum use of this disruptive form factor in the STEM pipeline. The WOLF-C addresses these issues.

Manufacturing and launch costs prevent nearly all capable middle and high school students from doing so. Most efforts to lower barrier to access focus on university teams. Second, secondary schools don't have suitable access for instructor training.

The WOLF-C is a competitive grant system specifically targeted towards secondary education to lower cost and knowledge barriers. Join us at the SmallSat Education Conference (29-30 Oct) for the official launch of the WOLF-C. 


The Wolfpack CubeSat Development Team

Three dynamic student teams, one each from Florida, North Carolina, and Nebraska, are proposing to the 2020 NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative.

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